Top 10 Living People I'd Invite to Dinner
1. Bill Gates: "How are you going to beat your biggest rival, Google?"
2. Sergei Brin and Larry Page: "How are you going to beat your biggest rival, Microsoft?"
3. Li Ka-shing: "Has investing in 3G been your biggest mistake?"
4. Boris Yeltsin: "Did you sell the family jewels too cheap?"
5. King Hussein of Jordan: "How do you plant democracy in the Middle East?"
6. Richard Branson: "Do you still think bidding for the two UK rail franchises was your best decision ever?"
7. Tony Blair: "Leave the bullshit out of it, how do we fix Iraq?"
8. Margaret Thatcher: "What was the one most important decision you made in office?"
9. Paul McCartney: "What's your favourite Beatle's album?"
10. The Queen *
* As you know, you should only speak to The Queen when spoken to.
Who would you invite?